Mark McNairy
April 7, 2013
It’s On Sale: Keds Triumph Mark McNairy
$35 (Originally $65) on Keds.com I’m constantly on the lookout for simple, attractive summer sneakers. By looks alone, these are…
November 4, 2010
Who Let McNairy Onto The Football Team?
murketing: Army football team in full on camo uniforms! Explained on Uniwatch. Oh great. Who let McNairy onto the football…
August 17, 2010
I Hate Sandals On Men
I hate sandals on men. Flip-flops make me nauseated. If you are at the beach and you go in to…
February 3, 2010
Mark McNairy, Captured By Mister Mort
Designer Mark McNairy, captured by Mister Mort. Certainly the hyper-short pants and no socks are a bit mannered and faddish…
December 18, 2009
All I Want For Christmas: Christian Chensvold
All this month, we’re asking men we think are cool to tell us about something they’d like to get for…