Big Boi
May 14, 2014
Dyed Sneakers For Summer
“Whatchu know about that RIT Dye?” – Big Boi on Bullseye I’m not sure if these aren’t a bad idea, but…
April 16, 2014
Big Boi, Giving An Example Of An Outfit He Used To Wear In High School That Involved DIY Dyeing
It’d be a polo sweater. Like a v-neck short-sleeved sweater. It was white, but I’d dye it a ruby red…
September 23, 2013
What Is Bullseye?
As some who read this know, I host an NPR show called Bullseye. On it, I interview the greatest creators…
March 29, 2011
Heroes. Icons. Legends.
howtotalktogirlsatparties: #kingshit Mint Julep action. (This has been part of our Andre Benjamin mandatory re-blog program.)
January 25, 2011
“My Bowtie Swagger Is More Along The Lines Of ‘Cordovan On My Feet / Brooks Bros On My Back.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_S8TgjZIDM “My bowtie swagger is more along the lines of ‘Cordovan on my feet / Brooks Bros on my back.”…
September 23, 2010
Several Pictures Of A Young Big Boi
tumblinerb: a very famous and important gossip blogger has several pictures of a young big boi. You know I have…