Congrats to our friend Peter in San Francisco for being featured in SF Gate today. Pete’s one of the best dressed guys we know, which is why we often write about him in our Real People series. His wardrobe mostly consists of casualwear (necessary for life in California), fine Italian tailoring (for when he wants to look a little more dressed up), and American workwear (which he actually uses for work). As SF Gate writes:
Peter Zottolo regularly wears rugged, American-made workwear. But for him, it’s not about a trend; he works as a union electrician, so his clothes are regularly put to the test. “I’m not nice to my clothes,” he explains. Off duty, he prefers relaxed yet elegant menswear that combines comfortable textures — especially flannel and suede — with finely hewn details.
You can find all the details for what Pete is wearing above at SF Gate. Handsomely chiseled jawline not available for purchase.