- Shirt, tie, pocket square, and sport coat by Proper Cloth.
- Fine cotton and wool dress socks, on sale at The Hanger Project
- Chipp Neckwear’s grenadine neckties
Many thanks to our sponsors this month, each of which have something new going on.
Proper Cloth is an online made-to-measure shirt company, where you can enter your measurements, select your fabrics, and choose your shirt details. A custom shirt will then be delivered to your door just a few weeks later. At the moment, they have a 20% discount on select fabrics, but supplies are limited.
The Hanger Project also just put a bunch of dress socks on sale. These are from Palatino, a high-end Italian hosiery maker that supplies socks to luxury labels such as Tom Ford, Berluti, Paul Stuart, and Drake’s. Some styles have been discounted by as much as 80% (now $6.50, down from $30).
Chipp Neckwear is having something of the opposite news. They’ve maintained well-below-market prices for years, but with increasing costs, they’re due for a small price bump. Grenadine, ancient madder, and knit ties will go up to $55, but they’ll hold the current price of $49.50 until the end of this month. Even at $55, Chipp’s ties are about half of what other comparable makers charge. Navy and wine grenadines will also be restocked next week.
Gustin isn’t having any sales, but they essentially do wholesale pricing year-round. With no distributor or retail shop mark-ups, or the need to account for unsold inventory, they’re able to offer the lowest prices possible. Their latest project is a Japanese jersey cotton t-shirt, which you can of course wear with their raw, selvedge denim jeans.
Finally, our thanks to two new sponsors. End is a UK clothing retailer with popular brands such as APC, Nigel Cabourn, and Engineered Garments. They just started an end-of-season sale, where select items are available at half off. Twillory is direct-to-customer shirtmaker that aims to give customers lower prices without middleman mark-ups. They’re also having a sale where you can get four dress shirts for $199.
If you want to advertise on Put This On, just email us at contact@putthison.com.