Things We Love
May 7, 2019
Aero’s Board Racer, A Leather Jacket For Almost Anyone
Over the weekend, bespoke shoemaker Nicholas Templeman came into San Francisco as part of his US trunk show tour. Nicholas…
February 1, 2019
Barbours In The Falklands
What could possibly be more British than showing up to a colonial war in a Barbour jacket? As a brand…
June 28, 2018
This Japanese Painter Bag Is The New Filson 256
If you’ve been reading menswear blogs for a while, there’s a good chance you have a dusty Filson 256 sitting…
May 8, 2018
Five Shoe Styles I’ve Found Useful — And You May Too
Style is personal, very much connected to your lifestyle and personality. Which is why, even though we have some posts…
April 30, 2018
Your Workhorse Casual Shirt, Chambray
Every once in a while, we’ll get an email from a reader asking if we have suggestions for how to…
April 19, 2018
The Greatest Sweater Of A Generation?
Daniel Day-Lewis likes clothes. He is a second generation Anderson and Sheppard customer, and once studied how to make handmade…
April 12, 2018
The Most Practical Impractical Jacket: The Denim Jacket (part 2)
Yesterday I talked a bit about the different styles of denim jacket that are out there, and what makes a…
April 12, 2018
The Most Practical Impractical Jacket: The Denim Jacket (Part One)
On balance, denim sort of sucks, especially for outerwear. It’s stiff when new and wears out reliably, ripping at stress…
April 4, 2018
Feeling Pretty Psyched: The Style Of Michael Stipe
Rock stars weren’t meant to stick around. They ignite, burn, and burn out. Rock music as a genre is reaching…
March 12, 2018
Ugly Shoes That Are Actually Kind Of Great
If you haven’t heard, ugliness is back in fashion. The sort of ill-fitting, cheaply made clothes that inspires your dad…
February 15, 2018
Abiding, Personal Style With Terry Ellis Of Beams/Fennica
My favorite Instagram accounts to follow (1) use original, in-phone photos vs. perfectly lit DSLR shots transferred to Instagram, (2)…
February 13, 2018
Horse Power: Hip-Hop’s Impact On Polo Ralph Lauren
Complex just dropped a documentary on hip hop’s relationship with Ralph Lauren — and it’s incredible. Tons of great footage…
February 1, 2018
Inspiration: Cannes In The 60s And 70s
There’s little less glamorous than an East Coast winter, all road salt stains and cinder-flecked snow banks. I live in…
January 25, 2018
Q+A With Alexander Saunders Of Saunders Militaria
Regular readers of Put This On know that our idea of a fun night might include board games, some kickin’…
January 8, 2018
Guide To Buying A Good Aran Sweater
In his book, The Aran Islands, John Millington Synge wrote about the set of three islands located off the west of…