Michael Alden
August 6, 2014
Building A Patina
As a guy who owns more footwear than he probably should, I’ve found that my best looking shoes aren’t the…
December 10, 2012
Q And Answer: How To Wear A Pocket Square
Aaron writes us to ask: I just started using pocket squares, and am not sure how to wear them best….
October 16, 2012
I Have Zero Concern For Being Stylish
I have zero concern for being stylish and that alone allows me to embody my own style. Michael Alden
May 22, 2012
Michael Alden Demonstrates His Rule For Double Breasted Gorges
Michael Alden demonstrates his rule for double breasted gorges: never higher than the bottom of the tie’s knot. Possibly slightly…
March 2, 2012
I Have Never Had A Passion For Clothes
I have never had a passion for clothes. I am deeply interested in people, people who radiate elegance, be it…
March 1, 2012
The No Dimple, Small Dimple, And Big Dimple
Michael Alden, Jean-Claude Colban, and Yukio Akamine demonstrate the no dimple, small dimple, and big dimple. There’s also, of course,…
June 19, 2011
What Young Men Can Do To Improve Their Dress
Compose your dress with humor. Slavish adherence to either fashion or company dress codes will earn you little respect. Punctuate…
December 20, 2010
It’s Time For Michael Alden To Do A Jake Davis Test Shot. Amirite?
thisfits: A bespoke Polo in London It’s time for Michael Alden to do a Jake Davis Test Shot. Amirite? Speaking…