Gold Toe
September 12, 2012
We Got It For Free: Dapper Classics Socks
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that one of our readers founded Dapper Classics, a company dedicated to supplying men with…
August 2, 2012
Over-the-Calf Socks
A reader emailed us yesterday about a new over-the-calf socks company he’s starting, and his message reminded me of this…
February 6, 2012
Strategic Frugality
If you’re just starting to build a better wardrobe, funds can be limited, so it’s good to know where you…
September 14, 2011
For $50 You Can Buy …
It’s been a while since I did one of these entries, so I thought I’d make up for it by…
May 31, 2011
We Got It For Free: Gold Toe Socks
I’m somewhat of a sock evangelist. To me, some of the worst sartorial transgressions have nothing to do with flip-flops…
April 4, 2010
John From Reading Sent Us This Picture
John from Reading sent us this picture of an outfit he wore to work the other day. In many ways,…
December 20, 2009
Eight Days Of Style
Reader Lucy wrote to us to ask that we suggest eight super-basic, affordable Hanukkah gifts for her boyfriend “to replace…