I like “classic” clothes that look good on different kinds of people, such as these red and black flannel shirts I’ve been seeing a lot in Los Angeles. Here’s a graphic-designer-looking guy with skinny jeans and a Filson bag, and then a dad whose shirt had a warm flannel lining. By the way, I like these MA-1 bomber jackets with the zippered pocket on the arm, but they’re a bit over saturated as a trend right now, aren’t they?

Here are two trendy people. One is a young guy with a weird look. He had white shoes that looked a bit Commons Projects-y and a black leather belt. His bag was really funny and cool: it was sorta like one of those Freitag bags but more anonymous and like a trash bag (that is not a diss!!! It looked useful). I guess this whole casual look is: expensive things that look cheap, or cheap things that look expensive. The old guy: I heard him having this conversation with a stranger, but frankly don’t believe he’s been wearing Stan Smiths this whole time. He looked like he just picked up the trend with everyone else, but who knows.

Finally this is a guy whose style I really like. It’s boring but he had nice shoes and everything looked good together. The ring was the only flashy part. Note: that’s an ecru shirt, not a white shirt. He also had a frumpy, beige quilted jacket that was not cool, which I think is cool. – Ryan