Just for kicks, here are some things Sean has found thrifting. Note, this is only about a third of the photos he sent us (we edited for brevity). Not included here are some cool ties, a pair of vintage Edward Greens, an Hermes scarf (which he picked up for a measly $2), a Jasper Morrison “Air Chair,” and a bunch of designer stuff from the likes of RRL, Kiton, and Cucinelli.
Listed in order of appearance above:
- Southwestern print Ralph Lauren down jacket.
- Architectural “Tire Pot” by John Follis and Rex Goode.
- Brioni jacket, Borrelli shirt, and Holland & Holland tie (Sean tells us 75% of his work wardrobe is thrifted).
- A vintage shooting jacket with a 1960s “Utah Pistol Championship” patch on the back (this one is super cool).
- A weird squirrel-shaped nutcracker.
- Almost matching pair of chairs. Sean has a story about these here.
- 1940s Jadeite and 1950s Fire-King glassware.
- An M-43 field jacket. Sean says: “I really wanted to find one of these after seeing a photo of my grandma in the ‘40s wearing one. Luckily for me, this one popped up soon after.”
- That Pyrex bowl featured in Seinfeld’s “Summer of George” episode.
- A J. Press tweed sport coat, likely from the 1960s.