If I had to stick to one clothing brand my entire life, it would undoubtedly be Ralph Lauren. From its mainstream Blue Label to its contemporary Black Label to its old timey RRL, you can get almost anything you want from just one brand. Plus, the company just designs such great clothes.
Julien from the Netherlands wears Polo Ralph Lauren and RRL almost exclusively. For winter, he layers things such as chunky, patterned sweaters underneath work jackets and leather jackets. Workwear chinos and cargo pants get broken out often, but so does the occasional pair of corduroys. On his feet are rugged workboots, which look like they’ve been taken care of, but also have the scuffing and patina necessary to make them look not too new.
Of course, it helps that he has a great looking beard and a dog the size of a small bear, and that he lives in what appears to be paradise (that’s Rotterdam, by the way). This past year, I’ve been buying an unusual amount of RRL for a guy who has a blog called Die, Workwear!, but given that I’m a skinny, hairless grad student living with a whiny cat in the yuppie part of Oakland, I doubt I look half as good.
In any case, Julien is an oil painter and a maker of watchstraps. If you’re interested in checking out his work, you can visit his website.