Once a week, we like to highlight what some of our readers are wearing.
“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing” – Alfred Wainwright
Clothes are, fundamentally, our armor against the rigors of the world. We brace against the wind, shelter our heads from rain, let air flow to relieve the heat. A choice made in the chill of dawn may turn out to be presumptuous in the heat of midday. Nevertheless, it pays to check the weather before you step outside every day.
Bo (@byang09) is ready for a cold front in a burnt orange wool cap, purple patterned scarf, green flannel jacket, charcoal trousers, and brown suede chukkas. @lesiurelyloafing sees clear skies in a navy baseball cap, blue OCBD, olive fatigues, and moccasins. Hsinhan (@hsinhan_seatheworld) is layered up in a brown checked jacket, purple sweater, jeans, and brown loafers. Finally, Michaël (@maninwave) is taking advantage of the sunny day in a brown checked jacket, navy sweater, lightwash jeans, and brown suede chukkas.
If you’d like to be featured, make sure to follow us on Instagram and tag your posts #PTOMan. We prefer full-body shots over shoes or details.