The Myth: Big Men Can’t Wear Anything

March 2, 2010

The Myth: Big Men Can’t Wear Anything

I’m tired of getting emails saying, “I appreciate your advice, but I’m bigger, and I can’t wear XXXX…”

There’s no doubt that if you’re obese, it can be tough to find good clothes that fit well.  I sympathize with the predicament.  What I don’t like is the defeatism.

Look at Jackie Gleason above.  He’s a very big man, and he looks fantastic.  Clothes that fit well flatter all figures, not just those of the skinny.

I’m a bit overweight myself, but I find that clothes that fit me make me look skinnier, not heavier.  For most men, slimmer pants will have a flattering effect, not the reverse.  Tailored clothes will make almost any man look better – men’s tailored clothing is essentially the product of 300 years of technology dedicated to making men’s bodies look good.

I’m not here to tell you lies: if you’re heavier, you won’t look as good to most.  That’s reality.  I would probably look better if I was 15 pounds lighter, or if my hairline wasn’t receding or my parents could afford orthodontics when I was little or if I was a runner or a swimmer.  That’s all true.  But that’s a reason to dress well, not a reason to throw up your hands.  LET’S DO THIS.