Bullseye With Jesse Thorn: Tavi Gevinson

November 22, 2012

I had a great conversation with Tavi Gevinson on my radio show Bullseye this week. If you don’t already know, Tavi is the editor of RookieMag.com, an online magazine for teenage girls. She’s 16, and commands a staff of grown-ups (and a few other teens). She rose to prominence as a fashion blogger with her blog The Style Rookie, and I talked to her about some of the odd things about fashion blogging, as well as about our mutual enthusiasm for thrifting. This is an amazing young woman who should really be on your radar.

You can also listen to the full episode here (it also features Michael Ian Black and Retta, who’s best known as Donna from Parks & Recreation). Every episode of Bullseye is free in iTunes – you can download them or subscribe to the podcast here.