A Lot Of People Ask Me: “How Can I Become As Succesful As Put This On?”

December 2, 2010


I tell them that I’m not the guru. Alex Blagg is the guru.

As the man behind ABajillionHits.biz, Blagg has “jacked” the “strat” of literally many web businesses. He’s a social media guru and a web entrepreneur non-pareil. As he puts it, “I’m basically the Pope of the internet. If you want salvation – in the form of a bajillion hits – you come to me.” This is a guy Ashton Kutcher goes to for Twitter advice.

Luckily, I had the chance to sit down with Alex for my public radio show, The Sound of Young America, to talk about Web Innovators, Early Adopters, Social Media, Sushi, Influencers and Jacking Strat.

If you want A Bajillion Hits, listen to this interview. And remember: “You don’t reblog for the Tumblr audience you have. You reblog for the Tumblr audience you want.”